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Welcome to BAHIA hammocks

A Hammock is something quite special. Whether you are in your garden or in inside your home, it serves as a place for recreation, a place for friendship, and also a place to just lay back, relax and let your thoughts dance freely through out your mind. We
are delighted to invite you and your family into our “World of the Hammock”...


is one of our

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Ten reasons to own a hammock.

  1. Your home will have a wonderful spot to relax.
  2. Even during winter, you can enjoy your hammock indoors.
  3. Your neighbour already's got one.
  4. The hammock is a great spot to relax...
  5. ...Or read, watch TV, take a nap, enjoy a glass of wine... Or be romantic! ;o)
  6. Hammocks are great for your back! Your spine gets used more comfortably in a hammock than a standard chair or bed.
  7. The slow, rocking movement reminds our body of our serene early life in our mothers womb.
  8. Babies and children (of all ages) love them!
  9. Hammocks can brighten up almost any spot in or outside of your home!
  10. Last, but not least, when you purchase a hammock through us, you will be contributing to the well-being of the people of Brazil.







© Brighten up your home with - BAHIA Hammocks!